Monday, June 22, 2015

Scammer Pikachucupcake282

Hey Jammers! Sorry about not posting yesterday. I didn't realize how late I would get home. Today's new item is the rare shutter shades.
I kind of like this item. The colors don't look random.
Because there is barely anything to post about, I will be telling you about this scammer, pikachucupcake282.
This is 1girldrummer. She was hosting a trust trade party. You might want to look out for her too.
Pikachucupcakes282 was saying to trust her, so I did. Of course, she accepted. I don't have much proof of her being a scammer, but I will just aware you of her. This was a while ago, but she still might be scamming people.
She could of scammed that orange wrist.
This was a very short post, but there wasn't much to post about. Bye Jammers!

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