Friday, June 19, 2015

Scammer lilyvonsparkle

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the stegosaurus armor in the Summer Carnival.
I never really liked the stegosaurus armor, it always looked kind of weird.
Today I am going to show you pictures from one of my old blogs. It was a scammer watching blog.
I deleted it because I never posted and it got boring. I will show you the first scammer.
lilyvonsparkle. I know her story well. She hosted a giveaway saying that she was giving away member items.
We needed to trust trade her to get her rare gazelle horns.
She showed proof that she had the gazelle horns, and then a pillow.
I didn't trust trade her much, just a rare hard helmet.
And, she did except.
And she locked out everyone in her den as usual. This was around March 2, 2015.
If anyone bothers to comment, please tell me if you want to see more scammers or not. If I get no comments I think scammers will return. Bye jammers!

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