Monday, July 27, 2015

Knitted Sweater Glitch

Hey Jammers! I am back, yay! The trip was so long, but it was worth it. I saw so much cool things! I am actually leaving tomorrow for another trip, but it won't be two weeks. Today's new item is the Rare Stethoscope in that one Kimbara Outback shop.
I wish that Animal Jam would release cool Rare Item Mondays and not stethoscopes. :(
Today, I will be showing you a glitch. I found it from Eva LovesGaming's video, so click here to watch it.
1. Go to the Hot Cocoa Hut.
2. Turn into a bunny.
3. Go to the shop where you buy all those sweaters and buy the pink knitted sweater.
4. Now it should look like you are wearing a magenta sweater when you are wearing pink.
I just want to thank you all so much for over 500 pageviews. I haven't been gone for that long, have I?
Well, see ya'll soon. Bye Jammers!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Top 10 Items in Animal Jam (my opinion)

                      Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the rainbow table at the Cloud Party.
Like I said before, I don't like how all the new items are in parties.
Yay, another 10 things. You might want to check out 10 things people do in animal jam that annoys me or 10 things I hate about Animal Jam
10. Jamaaliday Sweater
I love the Jamaaliday sweater because the snowman is so cute!
9. Worn Blanket
People might not notice, but I use the worn blanket on a lot of my looks.
8. Cupid Wings
I don't care if the cupid wings are glitched or not, I just really like them.
7. Candy Cane Socks
These socks are good for baby role plays, and they are cool to wear.
6. Flower Crown
The flower crown is really pretty. JUST REALLY PRETTY.
5. Snake Balloon Hat
That snake is so cute. I don't know why I find a lot of things cute.
4. Head Flower
Rare or not, I really like head flowers.
3. Pigtails
I don't know why, but I got really attached to pigtails.
2. Headdress
Headdresses used to be my dream item, and now that I have one. It has to be one of my favorite items!
Now, it is time for... *drum roll*
1. Top Hat
I love top hats! I will always love top hats, and I will marry one.
I am going to Disneyland,and on Sunday I will be back. But on Sunday I am leaving to go to London/France. I will squeeze a post in on Sunday, but after Sunday I will be gone for two weeks. So, I won't be dead.

mickey mouse animated GIF
Bye Jammers!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

10 Things People do in Animal Jam That Annoys Me

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the rainbow arch at the Cloud Party.
I don't really like how AJHQ is releasing all the new items in parties. I had to wait a super long time for this party to come on!
Before you read this, you might want to read 10 things I hate about Animal Jam.Click here to read the post.
10. Fake Fmans.
Isn't it annoying when you see a fake fman and someone screams "OMG FMAN IS BACK!!!" to me, it is very annoying.
9. Adoption center bunnies.
Ok, not all people in the pillow room are like this. But some of them are like "arcic wolfz onlh" and "prinsess wif powerz" And they have to talk like a baby.
8. Warrior Cats that come out of nowhere and attack you.
I think this has happened to everyone who comes in the Sarepia Forest that is a wolf.
7. People who follow you everywhere.
When this happens to me, I want to delete the person off of my buddy list.
6. People who are bad at trolling.
These people try to troll you when you already know that it is a troll.
5. The people who are "recording"
These people are"recording" but really they just want gifts.
4. The people who are "scaled".
These people want gifts or they make sad faces for attention.
3. The Braggers.
These people say they are friends with famous jammers for gifts.
2. The people who want rare spikes.
These people want spikes and when you don't gift them a spike they sleep and cry.
1. The people who scam and hack.
These people scam and hack items :(
Before I go, I just want to say thank you for 400 pageviews!
Bye Jammers!

Monday, July 6, 2015

10 Things I Hate About Animal Jam

Hey Jammers! The last few days I've been busy, but I'm back! Today's new item is the Rare Freedom                                                                              Fruit Hat.
It has been forever since a new underwater rare. But it is past 4th of July  Freedom Day!
Also,the Summer Carnival is leaving soon?
It is still summer! >:(
Anyways, Today I will be telling you 10 things I hate about Animal Jam.
10. The new player cards.
Ok, I don't hate the new player cards that much. But I still don't  like the way they look.
9. Holiday adventures.
The items you win in these are pretty cool, but they are always some kind of maze, so you do the same thing over and over again! Holiday adventures get old. And they take forever. I wish AJHQ could just make normal adventures. Bitter sweets was the only cool holiday adventure 
8. Battle for the Beacon.
Ok, this is kind of like the holiday adventures, but this adventure has no point in being released.  I want real adventures :(
7. Jam-a-gram typing.
You can never type what you are really saying and then people don't understand what you are trying to say.
6. Warnings when you aren't saying anything bad.

This is very annoying because you aren't even saying anything bad and you get a warning.
5. How everything is in the Diamond Shop.
Every animal and cool item is released in the Diamond Shop and it is really annoying.
4. When Animal Jam logs you out and you weren't even gone.
This happens to me all the time, and it is so annoying! It happens at the worst moments and it annoys me so much!!!
3. Animal Jam notices.
Ok, I don't know why but I hate these sooo much! They are annoying when I am trying to talk. I just hate them!
2. The new spot where the gems and achievements are.
Ok, this really bugs me. I usually just scroll over on the top and I see my gems. Easy! Now, AJHQ made it so you have to click, and then it will lag, and then you see your gems, and then you click again, and it lags, and finally after 5 minutes, you are back to the normal screen. SO ANNOYING.
1. *drum roll* When AJHQ doesn't update on Thursday.
I am pretty sure that this annoys everybody. This llama update has been up forever! AJHQ needs to keep up with their schedules. Mine is called the random schedule.
Well, that's it for today. Bye Jammers!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Animal Looks (part 2)

Hey Jammers! This post might be earlier than other post, but that's a good thing, right? Anyways, today's new item is the disguise glasses at the Summer Carnival.
If I had 1,000,000,000,000,000 tickets, I would make a storage account full of this item.
Anyways, time for part 2! I'm sure you saw part 1, but click here if you haven't.
This is Rosy Happyfeet. I got her with this glitch that said hyenas were for gems,but nobody believes me.
This is Fuzzy Thestar. She is one of my favorite animals, she even is on my icon.
This is Blooming Daisybunny. This was the first bunny in a post on my blog.
This is Wretched Rowdypalace. I don't know why I have him.
This is Blooming Daisylily. She is one of my main animals.
This is Princess Icyeagle. She was made when everything had to be named Princess or Queen.
This is Wretched Toughtoes. He is my Slushy carrot.
This is Bouncing Cottonseal. I don't really like her, but I keep her anyways.
This is crouching Futurespirit. He is a spring bunny, but I changed his pattern to white only.
This is Coach Arcticlady. I picked this name randomly.
This is Colonel Roundruler. Her name was also random.
This is Pouncing Thellama. He is my 1231 llama.
Last but not least, Spring Bunny. As you can tell, she was my first spring bunny.
I hope you enjoyed seeing my animal looks. Bye Jammers!