Saturday, June 27, 2015

Llama Playing Glitch

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the parasol in the Summer Carnival.
Is it just me or are they selling this for...gems? Take a closer look.
And look at the Summer Carnival Clothing Shop!
Everything is tickets except for the parasol, yet gems are on the bottom of the shop. Great job AJHQ.  
Yesterday I said that some people had Play Wild. It turns out that it was only released in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
Click here to see Where I got this image from and Slushy AJ testing the beta.
Now I will teach you how to do a little glitch.
1. Go in any of these waters.
2. Be a llama.
3. Play in the water.
4. Now your llama should look like it is cut off when it comes to the right.
Bye Jammers!

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