Friday, June 12, 2015

New Features

Hey Jammers! I am so sorry for no posts. These last two days have been crazy! I am out of school for vacation and I will have more time to post. Sorry about this being late, my alarm wasn't working. Anyways, today's new item is the sand oasis.
It looks more like a pond than an oasis to me.
I didn't want to post about the new update because I figured that you already saw it, so I will be posting about the new features it brought.
They added this little animal bush thingy in Sarepia Forest. Some of the bushes that are on display aren't for sale yet.
The next new feature they added is this little pet thing, but they released polar bears, arctic wolves, and bunny pets. They are also for gems! You might want to buy them soon because they will probably change to diamonds.
They also changed the background to everything else pet related.
The next thing I think AJHQ changed is they way Jammer Central looks. This might of changed a long time ago, but no one really noticed it.
When you click on the parties list, the back screen goes dark.
The last thing that changed is the player card. It looks a bit different than the old one.
Well, that's it for today. Bye Jammers!

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