Thursday, September 24, 2015

Sliding Glitch

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the tiki chair in Jam Mart Furniture.
I remember trying to by a bunch of these when they left stores, but I couldn't because I didn't have enough gems. I never have enough gems for anything XD
Anyways, here's a glitch I saw in TheKawaiiBunnyAJ's glitch video. Click here to watch it. Anyways, lets get started!
1. Go to Captain Melville's Juice Hut in Crystal Sands.
2. Go to this spot.
3. Click on this pillow.
4. While you are running to the pillow, click the dance button. You have to be fast on this part!
If you do it right, you might slide/dance to the pillow.
The art of the day is...
This picture by Eternal Sportywolf! Bye Jammers!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wild Works Video

Hey Jammers! Sorry for no posts, my Wifi has been down for a super long time. Anyways, today's new item is baseball cleats at Jam Mart Clothing.
I don't really like the way the cleats look. It kind of reminds me of stepping on someone with spikes on your feet o.o
I found this video on Clark Stacey's Youtube channel. It is about Smart Bomb/Wild Works.
The video is in the post below, but I want to point out something.
On the whiteboard, it has all of Animal Jam's plans for this year or last year. 
The art of the day is...
This picture by Bouncing Theeagle! Bye Jammers!

Smart Bomb--WildWorks

Thursday, September 17, 2015

*SPOILERS* Leaked Update Pictures

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is camouflage boots in Jam Mart Clothing.
I don't like these boots. They look really weird to me.
So, I found these pictures of the new update at Spirits Jamaa's Youtube channel. Click here to see the video.
pet elephants?
I have no clue what is on the left, but maybe the right is a lynx mini book?
Is AJHQ telling you how to trade or something?
Great. This probably means that rhinos are traveling, or they are endangered. 
We all know that kangaroos are traveling, but the phantom probably means Jamaa Central will get a bunch of leaves.
Is this about a new trading system?
This looks like a big update, but it probably won't be that great.
The art of the day is...
This fox picture by Mister Spiritwolf.
Bye Jammers!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Play Wild Update #2

Hey Jammers! Sorry I haven't been posting a lot. This will be a quick post. :( Anyways, today's new item is  glass shelves.
I remember buying 1 million of these when they were leaving stores.
Now, I will show you Play Wild's new update. It isn't anything exciting, but it is an update.
So, there is nothing to do with school in Play Wild, but ok? It looks like some kind of clothing or armor is coming out for fall. Also, Play Wild has been released worldwide! 
 The art of the day is.....
This bee picture by Eternal Spiritcroc!
I think this picture is very cute.
By Jammers!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

New Feature?

                                        Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the Maple Leaf Rug.
Is this a sign showing it is close to fall? Where I live, it is no where close to fall! And I am in America!
Today I will be talking about a new feature that I think nobody noticed.
You can find this feature in your settings.
Nothing happens when you turn it off.
You still can go to different worlds when you turn it off, so I don't get it.
Speaking of new features, I am going to add a new feature to this blog.
It will be where I find animal jam art in Jamaa Central that is actually good, so I screenshot it and put it below.
The first picture is.........
This puppy picture by Mythical Arcticpet!
Bye Jammers!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I'm Back! (Crystal Sands Journey Book Guide)

Hey Jammers! I am back! For now on, I will just post when I feel like posting, so I don't have to make dramatic "I NEED A BREAK JAMMERS!!!", because I just realizes how a bunch of my posts are about breaks. Also, I didn't keep my promise XD. Anyways, today's new item is the Glitchy Speakers.
I really like the glitchy items. I wish I had enough gems for all of them.  :'(
I couldn't find any interesting glitches, so I decided to do a Journey Book Guide. I don't like to make them but I am out of ideas.  This time, I will be doing Crystal Sands. (also, credit to Snowyclaw for the idea!)
1. The Cacao Tree is next to Captain Melville's Juice Hut.
2. The Flamingo is next to an island, and it is stranded out in the water.
3. The Crab walks in and out of Tierney's Aquarium.
4. The Tide Pool is next to Tierney's Aquarium, it is on  the right to be exact.
5. The Sand Dollars are under the crossing water slides.
6. The Macaw is on top of Tierney's Aquarium, but it goes away very quickly.
7. Sugarcane is next to to entrance to the Lost Temple of Zios.
8. The Centipede is on top of the Pet Wash building.
9. The Tapir is near the entrance to Mt. Shiveer.
10. The Basilisk Lizard runs from the green waterfall to the water slide.
11. The Green Iguana is on top of Captain Melville's Juice Hut.
And the prize is.........
A Lemonade Stand!
I want to know if you guys like Journey Book Guides, so I made a poll. Make sure you check it out!
Bye Jammers!