Saturday, May 9, 2015

How to take any item out of adventures!

Hello Jammers! Today the new item is the spring flower crown, with a boring eight new colors.
It only looks good on bunnies, but that's my opinion.On AJHQ's blog, they post about a holiday that no one celebrates or at least I don't. International Migratory Bird Day!!!!!!!!! (I made sure to spam the ! button.)I have never heard of it.
Well, the holidays today list never lies, because it shows holidays I have never heard of all the time.
It is probably just AJHQ trying to get a post out of the way.
 I'm sure you have heard of this glitch I will show you from XxSmile AJ or Hazey07. They made videos about it, so I will leave the link if they explain it better.
1. Go to Belaya.
2. go to Farcat25611's den.
Now everything is Spanish, just the way it needs to be.
3. go to Adventure Base camp.
Now, you can pick any adventure but the training grounds, because there is no items there.
4. Pick your adventure.
5. Find an item you can pick up in the adventure.
6. Click on the flag.
A message will pop up: You are playing Animal Jam in a different language. Do you want to return to your language? 
7. Click yes.
Now you can take items out of adventures!
Also, your buddy list will be half Spanish.
And, your name will be Spanish.
And, this message will pop up from time to time.
It would say: Adventure base camp is full. Please try again.
Bye Jammers!

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