Monday, May 11, 2015

Arctic Wolf in The Forgotten Desert

Hello Jammers! Today we have the rip off rare item Monday tutu!
I hate how much they charge for rare item Monday items. They are so much gems!
Today I will show you a glitch I found out about from BunnyLover9512 AJ! I will link her video if she is better at showing the glitch.
1. Be a flying animal
2. Host the forgotten desert adventure.
3. Buy an arctic wolf from the diamond shop.
Now, your animal should switch to an arctic wolf. You can play as it in the forgotten desert!
4. Play the forgotten desert.
Have fun Jammers!
Remember, if you don't have an arctic wolf yet you need to spend diamonds on one. If you want it just for the glitch, it might be patched soon so it might not be worth it.
Bye Jammers!

1 comment:

  1. Omg, thanks for mentioning me! Sadly my video has been taken down because it got patched. I feel honored for being featured in your blog, thank you! :)
