Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Random Stuff

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the mechanical wall crest. To me, it sounds like wall crust.
Since I have no glitches to post about and nothing interesting in the Animal Jam community, I will post about random stuff.
When you go to that best guess party, you don't have a flower pattern around the spring bunny.
I will find something wrong with the den items in this picture.
Is this an early version of the pet picture? Or is it going to come out soon? I find no point in this coming out though, because it is almost the same thing as the pet pictures.
The only difference with the pet pictures is how much crystals there is.
Why are you here? AJHQ changed all of the ice cream sandwich ottomans to just a square.
Maybe it will be a new type of table? Because all of the other tables don't have this thingy in their color changer.
You can't connect together chairs couches to make one big couch with nothing between it.
Don't try connecting mechanical couches at home kids, it isn't a pretty sight. Also, that stripe doesn't go through any of the couches.
There is no table that has that color, stripe, or corner thingy. The table legs aren't that fat and there is no way you wouldn't have a 16 legged table if you put four tables together like that.
These are all probably early versions of the mechanical den item set. If not AJHQ will change items or make new ones.
Sorry about such a long, boring post. Bye Jammers!

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