Monday, May 25, 2015

Mighty Squad

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the rare woven shoes! Did you see that I got the name right! Now I need to sing the Dora song.
I feel like a rare item Monday was like this before... nope? Oh well.
I know, yesterday I said no posts, right? Well I decided I should post, because if anyone does look at my blog they might want to see it at its best. To all of you Jammers in America, happy Memorial Day! I don't know if I should say it like it is Halloween, but I think I like the word happy.
Well, today I am going to tell you about Mighty Squad, because this news didn't come across the Animal Jam community, so I will spread the news. You probably know the "scary" Mighty Squad.
Well, they aren't so scary anymore. They have a new channel called AJ Giveaways, where they do giveaways every Wednesday.
I don't know if this person who is doing the giveaways is trustworthy, but we will find out. They already have a giveaway with a tiki, a long collar and a short collar, and a beta tail. I will link their channel.
Well, this was a short post. Bye Jammers!

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